
Monday, August 17, 2009

5K Training - Days Three and Four

Day Three - Last Friday. It was harder than Wednesday. I could feel my shins a lot during the running intervals. Not quite full blown shin splints, but close.

Day Four - Start of week 2 training: 90 seconds running, 2 min. walking. Not as bad as I thought it would be. I could feel it in my shins again, but by the third interval, it wasn't so bad. The timing was a bit tricky since my watch only has set times (I can't just set it for 90 seconds) but I managed, and I didn't cheat! Wink 30 seconds doesn't sound like a lot of time, but when you're panting for breath and your legs are starting to say Hey, wait a minute... 30 seconds can seem like forever.

I'm stuck with my weight. Hit another plateau. I know that I didn't eat great this week, that I need to do better. I also need to start exercising the rest of my body on the days I'm not walking / running. My abs feel like mush. My arms aren't bad, seeing as I routinely lift 30-40 pound children all day long. My pecs need work though, as do the backs of my arms.

So this week I'm working in the other two tapes of my Firm workout... the main one, Cardio Firm is very lower body heavy, and I don't need to exhaust my legs. So tomorrow I'm going to break out the Ab Firm tape, and work on my middle. Then Thursday we'll see what Body Sculpt is all about.

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